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GeneralSync for PC

Automatically syncing supported applications on your PC

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Current version:
View license agreement

Smartphone and Tablet

GeneralSync for Android

Automatically syncing system-wide data on your smartphone

Install via Google Play¹ Direct Download (apk)

Current version:
View license agreement

To use GeneralSync with certain applications, specific extensions must be installed. Some of these extensions are listed here for your convenience. Your use of these extensions is governed by our license agreement for free-of-charge-software.

¹ Requires a Google-account to be linked with your device. To get beta versions using Google Play, click here.

² You can install Outlook both as 32 bit and 64 bit application. Outlook 2019 installs in 64 bit mode by default, previous versions use 32 bit unless you explicitly selected the 64 bit version.